"ARED Akutshu-Ana-Mongo : Unis pour préserver, bâtir et prospérer."

Commissions Spécifiques

1.Commission Civique

Provide a short description of the dish and its ingredients.

L’Association ARED Akutshu-Ana Mongo s’appuie auprès douze

commissions visant à répondre aux besoins et bien-être de la Communauté :

2.Commission Administrative

Provide a short description of the dish and its ingredients.

3.Commission de Travail

Provide a short description of the dish and its ingredients.

5.Commission Agricole

Provide a short description of the dish and its ingredients.

6.Commission Environnementale

Provide a short description of the dish and its ingredients.

7.Commission Médicale

Provide a short description of the dish and its ingredients.

9.Commission Éducative

Provide a short description of the dish and its ingredients.

10.Commission de la Jeunesse
11.Commission Technique

Provide a short description of the dish and its ingredients.

Provide a short description of the dish and its ingredients.

4.Commission Énergétique

Provide a short description of the dish and its ingredients.

8.Commission Sociale

Provide a short description of the dish and its ingredients.

12.Commission Historique

Provide a short description of the dish and its ingredients.